Hello guys,
- we already have an integration for blog comments
- we have the ability to draft links to send templated messages to groups or indviduals
Couldn’t we create a route and a dialog to let people switch their notification level to a suggested value for a given group, tag or category?
Like: https://meta.discourse.org/change-notification?level=watching&category=blog
Use Case
- Button on blog: Click here to subscribe to new topics and its comments.
- User clicks on link to change the notification level from what-ever to tracking with category = blog posts
- Discourse checks if user is logged in and may ask first to register
- Discourse asks user to confirm the change of its notification level for the given category/tag/group
I guess there are many other use cases, especially if an existing community changes to Discourse and the responsible admins wants to support everyone to not miss any notification.
The same dialogue could be used to mute notification emails. This is already been solved. Unfortunately, those links only allow to mute, not to un-mute or watch.