I’d like to bolster the requests for this to be a feature. We should, as admins, be able to specify the level of notifications that a user will receive in bulk.
I understand that the design philosophy is to let users decide on their own, however I have just migrated a large and active Google Group to a Discourse forum, and I’ll describe my experience of it here. The users were accustomed to getting email updates about activity on the Google Group. Most were subscribed to get immediate notifications of each post.
Following the migration, suddenly the users stop getting notifications. They assume this is because nobody else is saying anything. They’re busy, and unfamiliar with the new Discourse platform, so they don’t investigate further. Traffic and discussion on our forum drops to almost nothing.
We decided: enough is enough, if we don’t do anything our forum is going to die, so I bulk modified eveyone’s Watching status in the Rails console:
my-local-machine ~$ ssh discourse-server
discourse-server ~# cd /var/discourse
discourse-server /var/discourse# ./launcher ssh app
discourse-app ~# rails c
[1] pry(main)> Category.where(name: "CCIO Leaders Network") #find out the id of the category we want everyone to watch. A Category object will be returned, with the id: as the first attribute
[2] pry(main)> User.all.each { |u| CategoryUser.batch_set(u,:watching,5); u.save } #in my case the Category had the id 5 so I put this as the last parameter
Please be aware that this code above is something of a blunt instrument and will over-write any existing Watching status that the user had set. Not advised in established, multi-category Discourse instances.
Following this there was a SHARP increase in activity and postings on the site, as evidenced by the Mandrill chart (and empirically from the amount of general activity on the forum):
I made the Watching status changes on Feb 24th. I suspect that there are a lot of online communities migrating to Discourse from something else, and if you have experienced a massive drop in traffic, this is a cause worth considering.
Interestingly, this site has some practical advice about building online communities and does advocate the use of universal ‘every message’ notifications (ie Watching) in the early phase of building a community, which you then switch off before it becomes overwhelming. Following my experiences of migrating the Google Group to Discourse, I would say that this ‘early phase’ starts again during a migration, but that it may end sooner, as you already have an established community.
If this feature were to be added to Discourse, I would suggest it be added to the Groups admin screen so a_given_group could be set to a_given_notification_level for a_given_category. I suppose it would also be nice (but not critical) to be able to set notification level when adding users in bulk from CSV.