8 visits in last 7 days — public Users page

Here you can see how the number of visits, which is 8 (last figure per usr) is greater than the number of days in a Weekly view, which is 7.

It looks confusing.

Same for 32 visits in a Monthly views.


I suspect it has to do with timezones, etc, though we should count all this in UTC, probably.

99% of our users, including the one on the screenshot, are in Ukraine/Russia/Europe timezones, while I’m in Australian, so the difference is 6+ hours. Can well be the cause

I’m Eastern - EST, Discourse servers are California?

Maybe someone can recognize if any of the “8” members are in the same time zone as the Discourse server?


IIRC, this discrepancy came up quite a while ago and the explanation at that time was that it was probably a one-off error.

I’m thinking it has to do with when the Sidekiq job runs.

this is still showing up…

worth fixing…? or…

It’s still on the list to be fixed…just way, way down at the bottom. Doesn’t affect/prevent usage of Discourse in any meaningful way. We’ll get to it eventually…bigger fish to fry first.


@maja fixed it in https://github.com/discourse/discourse/commit/012da86a07a255cfb16d80abdb62d8fe09c6b4e1 :+1: