Merge two Discourse sites into one

If you have two Discourse sites that you wish were one, this guide is for you.

There’s a tool called discourse_merger that can take one Discourse site and merge it into another.


This is not an easy task, and should be treated like any other migration to Discourse. You will not be running discourse_merger on a live production site. You will perform the merge in another environment where you can review the output before moving the result to production.

Copy vs Merge

Almost everything will be copied from one site to the other, but Categories and Users can be merged, which will avoid duplication.

  • Users will be merged if a user on both sites has the same email address.
  • Categories will be merged if they have the same name.

If you want to do any reorganization of your data, do it before merging.

Choose the destination site

Choose which site will be the destination for the data. This is the one that will retain all its styling and settings. The other site will have its users, categories, topics, posts, uploads, etc. copied/merged into the destination site.

How to do it

Take backups of both sites including files and copy them to the environment where you’ll perform the merge. It’s possible that they’re from different versions of Discourse, so we need them to be at the same version. I would choose to use the most recent version of Discourse while performing the merge.

Restore the destination site to the merger environment. If doing this from the command line:

bundle exec ruby script/discourse restore destination-2018-08-02-134227-v2018xxx.tar.gz

Next we’ll extract the other site.

cd /path/to/data
tar xvzf other-2018-08-02-134227-v2018xxx.tar.gz

The output will include the database dump and the upload files.

Create a database with the data:

gunzip < /path/to/data/other-2018-08-02-134227-v2018xxx.tar.gz | psql -d copyme

If you’re running the import in an official Docker container (recommended), you will need to reset the postgres password to provide it to the script, otherwise you may encounter an error that the postgres user cannot access the database.

To change the password:

sudo -u postgres psql
\password postgres
(enter the new password)

Now it’s time to run the script. Some env variables you’ll set:

DB_NAME: name of database being merged into the destination site.
DB_HOST: (optional) hostname of database being merged. leave blank if it’s local.
DB_PASS: password for the postgres user to access the database
UPLOADS_PATH: absolute path (site being merged) of the directory containing “original” and “optimized” dirs. e.g. /path/to/data/uploads/default
SOURCE_BASE_URL: base url of the site being merged. e.g.
SOURCE_CDN: (optional) base url of the CDN of the site being merged.

You may need to run a bundle install prior to running the import script to avoid errors. To do so:

su discourse -c 'bundle config set --local with generic_import && bundle install'

On the first run, you might need to install some extra dependencies for the gems required in import.

Once the bundle is complete, run the import.

su discourse -c 'DB_NAME=copyme DB_PASS=password SOURCE_BASE_URL= UPLOADS_PATH=/shared/import/data/uploads/default bundle exec ruby script/bulk_import/discourse_merger.rb'

When it’s done, review the output in a web browser.

You can use the remap tool to update links from the old forum.

bundle exec ruby script/discourse remap '' ''

Also rebake all posts with uploads:

rake posts:rebake_match["upload:"]

If everything looks good, take a backup of the result and restore it to your production server.

bundle exec ruby script/discourse backup

Last edited by @italo 2024-11-27T00:52:10Z

Last checked by @JammyDodger 2024-05-26T21:20:00Z

Check documentPerform check on document:

It seems to work, but when I run a backup I get

pg_dump: error: query failed: ERROR:  permission denied for table migration_mappings                                                                                   

That’s very strange.

EDIT: resolved with

1 Like

Has anyone used this recently? How did it go?

Also does anyone know if it’s possible to automatically put users into a group for each originating forum too? (To make it easier to give them permissions to view the the topics from the forum/s they came from.)

It was a little rough. I think I had to comment out some stuff. There was also an issue with the merger images.

I think I’d add all the users of the new site to some group so that they’d be in that group when you merged them. This would be easier than doing it after or as part of the merge


Last time I did this the uploads from the merged site were all missing. I got a list of the uploads from tar tf backupfile.tar.gz and put them in allfiles.txtx and copied it to the uploads directory. This script (which will likely not work for you without modification) created an upload for each of those files, so then rebaking the posts fixed all (or most?) of the missing images.

def process_uploads
    # Read the list of filenames
    filenames = File.readlines('/shared/uploads/allfiles.txt').map(&:strip)
    count = 0

    filenames.each do |filename|
      # Prepend /shared to the filename
      full_path = File.join('/shared/uploads/default/original/', filename)

        # Check if path exists and is a regular file (not a directory)
        count += 1
        if File.exist?(full_path) && File.file?(full_path)
          # Open the file
, 'r') do |tempfile|
            # Create upload using the specified parameters
            u =, 'imported', {}).create_for(-1)
            puts "#{count} -- #{}: #{u.url}"
          puts "Warning: Path not found or is not a regular file: #{full_path}"
      rescue => e
        puts "Error processing file #{full_path}: #{e.message}"
        # Continue with next file even if current one fails
  rescue Errno::ENOENT
    puts "Error: Could not find files.txt"
  rescue => e
    puts "Error reading files.txt: #{e.message}"

# Execute the processing

I got the bad posts like this:

 bad=Post.where("cooked like '%/images/transparent.png%'")

and then this to mark them as needing a rebake:

bad.update_all(baked_version: nil)

I was impatient, so I used

rake posts:rebake_uncooked_posts

to rebake them.


I’m wondering whether it might just be easier to convert the discourse forum I want to merge to xenforo (their importers are usually excellent) then merge it with the other forums I want to be part of the merge (which themselves will be converted to xenforo from vbulletin) and then finally import the new merged xenforo forum into discourse…