A big "hug" and thanks

I have not opened any “thank you” topic and I think the time has come.

I want to thank the whole discourse team for such a “system” you have created, you take all my admiration and even though I am dying to learn Ruby, my brain will not let me hahaha (lol). :smile:

Yesterday I did my second installation in a web project that I had under Invision (IPB).
I loved the new installation wizard, this series of steps did not exist before.
I detected some minimal errors in the Spanish translation, which I have already corrected in Transifex. I congratulate you because the theme of the configuration to start the forum has been incredible, fast and easy.

For a budget issue I will not make the migration from IPB to Discourse, and I will leave the old “forum” as a totally frozen site for the consultation of my readers.

I take this opportunity to thank the Reclaim Hosting team; I have chosen them again for the trust, and the excellent customer support they offer.

Thanks again to everyone, and those who read my grammatical errors in English, remember that I am from Argentina and that it is not my native language.
