A bit new here but

As I see things the whole FB thing has a lot of issues and mistrust and i think I need to go back to an old(ish) closed forum for some people. I’m not a newb by any means but now more of a designer and project than the coder i used to be 20 years back. I don’t want to be an idiot and ask for hand holding, but as I see it even though this is expensive…why and where should i push this service?


Hi @chriswebdog

Your question is a bit unclear to me. Discourse is a modern community discussion platform that contains great value in itself. It is completely free and 100% open source so if You want, you could host it yourself. To learn more about the features Discourse offers or to try it out for yourself before you commit to Discourse, there is a utility called try.discourse.org which lets you play around with most of the user side features offered on Discourse.

If You could describe a bit what kind of “push” you’re talking about, someone would be able to better answer your question.


Happy to help but I’m not sure what you’re asking. Can you clarify? :slight_smile:


Pretty sure Chris here is asking where he should start advocating for communities to start adopting discourse?

That seems really admirable.


Any FB group you are part of? Discourse is a particularly excellent replacement and indeed vast improvement upon FB groups.

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Hi @chriswebdog

You are absolutely correct about FB. FB has a business model many experts refer to as “surveillance capitalism” where the only real revenue for FB (and other tech companies of similar business models) is based on using the information they harvest from user behavior so they can target those users (and alter their behavior), selling that service to others.

If you want to “arm yourself” in relevant information on why people should move away from FB and other “big tech” companies, and build their own Discourse communities; I highly recommend this book:


See also:

See also: