A data model to make perusing the database easier

thanks a lot @Falco

so users and user_options are the only tables with 1-1 in the whole schema?
any other tables with 1-1?

asking because wanted to see the real use-cases of 1-1 table relationships as there are not many to check with online

Hey @niledebunkr , @lju where you able to find a solution, I would be very interested to see the result if it is possible, thank in advance

Hey is it possible to delete some tables and leave only the main ones using rails-erd? I am only interested to get the main tables for a research regarding discourse.

How would you define β€œmain” in this context? :thinking:

Main table referes to User, Topic, Post, Reply, Group, Poll ,PollOption , pollVote, Draft, Message, Badge, Category, Search, Invite and Tag

I am trying to draw a small data model of Discourse (based on the tables mentioned), I only need to cover these components

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