A way to force a user to get email notifications

I am trying to get a new site going and as expected people are not visiting the site enough to see whatever activity may be happening.

In order to help the ignition of discussion I was thinking that it would be good if all my initial users receive email notifications of traffic.

Is there a way that I as admin can force that? Is there a way for me to change the default setting for email notification for new users? Thanks!


This is how I did it, and I’m sure a more elegant way is on the horizon:

Til then:


I can’t remember when we made this change, but for a while now we’ve instituted “bootstrap mode” on initial install which forces daily activity digests (versus weekly), and grants all new users trust level 1 immediately, for the first 50 people who join a Discourse site. After the 51st user joins these settings are set back to default for all users.