Ability to filter inbox by messages from a particular user?

Is it possible (or easy), in an inbox with a sea of messages, to filter the inbox down to messages from a specific user?

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Use search bar advance see pic.

Lower on the advance options you can also add date options.

However might be good to have filtering options in the mailbox menus

Personally, I’d much prefer it if this was the default - i.e. if I search in the context of messages, then this (in:messages @username) was suggested at the top of the list.

I believe that this is the most common type of search in messages (certainly is for me), and it is quite difficult to explain the use of the advanced search in that way to my regular users.

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I wonder if could add a search to messages that has the default “in:messages” applied.

This would make it more intuitive.

Isn’t that already implemented? When I open my inbox and click :mag:, the “in:messages” is already added.

On mobile the option is added above the other advanced options

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Doesn’t show a search box on mobile. The search in the header doesn’t add the in messages unless you click advanced.

So on Desktop there is a tailored message search? Cool