Ability to invite someone to an existing group chat

While new group chats can be started, it’s unfortunate to lose the context of the conversation. Chat messages can be moved from one channel to another, but it would be great to also move them from one group chat to another. Alternatively, starting a new group chat that the chat messages are then brought over to, would also be a great solution.

This should work today.

  1. Enter group chat
  2. Click channel name
  3. Click members
  4. Click +Add member

See also: Improvements to group chats — add users to existing chats, easily create new groups, name your group chats


Minus can be that we still can’t delete that chat. Or delete even members from channel.

Ah okay, that was just buried a bit. I see when you add someone though, if the default channel name is there (list of users in the channel), the name doesn’t update which is a bit confusing.


it’s easy enough to remove/hide a DM/Chat from the DM section but 100% agree that being able to add/remove members from a channel would be very helpful.

If I want to spin up a new channel for a few people, especially if its a private one, I don’t think there is an easy way to do it. I -think- the only way to do it is to first create a category, hide that and then add people to it. Ideally you could do everything from chat.

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