[Accesability] Reply button not seen by screen readers


There are few users on my forum using screen readers and they’ve reported that the Reply button is not selectable for them anymore. While trying to navigate with I’ve noticed that this is indeed the case, the big blue Reply button is missed by the tab navigation.

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Hmm… no repro for me. It does get focus, but the focus isn’t visible.

Also, you could have them use the keyboard shortcuts to do a topic reply (SHIFT + R).

I can confirm focus is not visible, this is something we want to fix, but it is selectable just tried here.

PR Submitted. I’m not seeing any side-effects, but the focus highlight on the reply button is still hard to see, the constrast isn’t great. It will need a specific rule for when the button also has the class .btn-primary

However, this makes it easy to see when the focus moves to that button via keyboard
