Add custom menu panel to the correct location (same as hamburger menu panel)

In Reuse Discourse Hamburger Functionality, a way to add a new menu item to the header-icons location (i.e. where Discourse hamburger menu is located) is described.

In essence, a call to api.decorateWidget('header-icons:after', callback) is used to (1) add an additional menu entry with its own icon and (2) add a menu panel if its underlying state variable for its visibility is true.

This works, but is slightly inconsistent with the way Discourse’s existing menu entries work: The new menu is added as a child to the header-icons location (i.e. the div.d-header-icons element), while Discourse’s menus are children of div.panel (i.e. the parent element of div.d-header-icons).

This difference causes the added menu to be occluded by the div.header-cloak element for the mobile view.

Is there a way to add a widget to div.panel? Alternatively, is there a chance that the element div.panel will be available as a widget location?

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I found a solution to this issue. The missing piece was the api.addHeaderPanel method. I’m not quite sure why its third argument, a callback, has to be provided, but passing a do-nothing function works.

Anyway, a theme component with the following files allows one to add a Discourse menu entry and panel in the correct locations that works in both desktop and mobile views.


The following pieces of JavaScript are all part of this script element:

<script type="text/discourse-plugin" version="0.8">
    // …

First, I’m setting up a data structure that contains the content of the new menu:

const { h } = require('virtual-dom');
const { attachAdditionalPanel } = require('discourse/widgets/header');

const menuItems = [
        text: 'Home',
        href: '/'
        text: 'FAQ',
        href: '/faq'

Second, I’m creating a new widget called custom-menu. This follows what Discourse uses for its own hamburger menu (see app/assets/javascripts/discourse/widgets/hamburger-menu.js.es6).

api.createWidget('custom-menu', {
    tagName: 'div.custom-panel',

    settings: {
        maxWidth: 320

    panelContents() {
        return h(
   => h('li', h('a', { href: item.href }, item.text)))

    html() {
        return this.attach('menu-panel', {
            contents: () => this.panelContents(),
            maxWidth: this.settings.maxWidth

    clickOutside(event) {
        if ( {
        } else {

    clickOutsideMobile(event) {
        const centeredElement = document.elementFromPoint(event.clientX, event.clientY);
        if (
            !centeredElement.classList.contains('header-cloak') &&
            centeredElement.closest('.panel').length > 0
        ) {
        } else {
            const panel = document.querySelector('.menu-panel');
            const panelOffsetDirection = ? 'left' : 'right';
  , -window.innerWidth);

            const headerCloak = document.querySelector('.header-cloak');
  'opacity', 0);

   => this.sendWidgetAction('toggleCustomMenu'), 200);

Next, I add a new entry to Discourse’s top menu bar (where the search icon, hamburger menu, and the user menu are located). I also setup a widget action that is responsible for changing the state variable that controls the visibility of the custom menu.

api.decorateWidget('header-icons:after', function (helper) {
    const headerState = helper.widget.parentWidget.state;

    return helper.attach('header-dropdown', {
      title: 'custom-menu',
      icon: 'bars',
      iconId: 'toggle-custom-menu',
      active: headerState.customMenuVisible,
      action: 'toggleCustomMenu',

api.attachWidgetAction('header', 'toggleCustomMenu', function() {
    this.state.customMenuVisible = !this.state.customMenuVisible;

Finally, the following line adds the custom-menu widget to the correct location in the DOM depending on whether the state variable customMenuVisible is true.

api.addHeaderPanel('custom-menu', 'customMenuVisible', function (attrs, state) {
    // This callback has to be provided. Don’t know why.

(Again, all these JavaScript blocks belong into the script element above.)


This stylesheets just adds some missing styles that the other panels use.

.d-header .custom-panel {
  width: 0;

.mobile-view .custom-panel .menu-panel.slide-in {
  left: 0;

I’ve been wracking my brain on this one for a little while. The title for the custom hamburger menu displays the locale information, such that when hovering over the menu I am returned the following.


Attempting to use Il8n.t(themePrefix("some-title")) after creating a theme with a locale file I am given the following.

[en_US.Some Title]

As given
api.decorateWidget('header-icons:before', function (helper) {
    const headerState = helper.widget.parentWidget.state;

    return helper.attach('header-dropdown', {
      title: "mysite.menu_title",
      icon: 'bars',
      iconId: 'toggle-custom-menu',
      active: headerState.customMenuVisible,
      action: 'toggleCustomMenu',
      href: ""
Theme with il8n
api.decorateWidget('header-icons:before', function (helper) {
    const headerState = helper.widget.parentWidget.state;

    return helper.attach('header-dropdown', {
      title: I18n.t(themePrefix("mysite.menu_title")),
      icon: 'bars',
      iconId: 'toggle-custom-menu',
      active: headerState.customMenuVisible,
      action: 'toggleCustomMenu'

Here is my full script code. The theme and CSS are defaults for a newly generated theme using discourse_theme new.

<script type="text/discourse-plugin" version="0.8">

const { h } = require('virtual-dom');
const { attachAdditionalPanel } = require('discourse/widgets/header');
const { iconNode } = require("discourse-common/lib/icon-library");

const mySiteAboutLinks = [
            text: "Knowledgebase",
            rawTitle: "Knowledgebase",
            href: "/k",
            className: "mysite-about",
            icon: "question"

    const mySiteSupportLinks = [
            text: "Staff",
            rawTitle: "Staff",
            href: "/page/staff/1/",
            className: "mysite-support",
            icon: "link"
            text: "Contact",
            rawTitle: "Contact",
            href: "/page/contact/2/",
            className: "mysite-support",
            icon: "far-envelope"

api.createWidget('custom-menu', {
    tagName: 'div.custom-panel',
    settings: {
        maxWidth: 320
    panelContents() {
        results = [];
        results[1] = h('', => h('li', h('a.widget-link', { href: l.href, title: l.rawTitle }, [ iconNode(l.icon.toLowerCase()), ' ', h('span.d-label', l.text) ]))));
        results[2] = h('div.clearfix');
        results[3] = h('hr');
        results[4] = h('', => h('li', h('a.widget-link', { href: k.href, title: k.rawTitle }, [ iconNode(k.icon.toLowerCase()), ' ', h('span.d-label', k.text) ]))))
        return results;

    html() {
        return this.attach('menu-panel', {
            contents: () => this.panelContents(),
            maxWidth: this.settings.maxWidth

    clickOutside(event) {
        if ( {
        } else {

    clickOutsideMobile(event) {
        const centeredElement = document.elementFromPoint(event.clientX, event.clientY);
        if (
            !centeredElement.classList.contains('header-cloak') &&
            centeredElement.closest('.panel').length > 0
        ) {
        } else {
            const panel = document.querySelector('.menu-panel');
            const panelOffsetDirection = ? 'left' : 'right';
  , -window.innerWidth);

            const headerCloak = document.querySelector('.header-cloak');
  'opacity', 0);

   => this.sendWidgetAction('toggleCustomMenu'), 200);

api.decorateWidget('header-icons:before', function (helper) {
    const headerState = helper.widget.parentWidget.state;

    return helper.attach('header-dropdown', {
      title: I18n.t(themePrefix("mysite.menu_title")),
      icon: 'bars',
      iconId: 'toggle-custom-menu',
      active: headerState.customMenuVisible,
      action: 'toggleCustomMenu'

api.attachWidgetAction('header', 'toggleCustomMenu', function() {
    this.state.customMenuVisible = !this.state.customMenuVisible;

api.addHeaderPanel('custom-menu', 'customMenuVisible', function (attrs, state) {
    // This callback has to be provided. Don’t know why.

Any thoughts on how to correct the hover title so that only the title is displayed without brackets and locale?

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I took a look and I’m pretty sure none of this is your fault, the code you’re using should work.

The issue here is that the title attribute for the header dropdown widget is expecting a translation key, not a translation function.

So when you use this in a theme

title: I18n.t(themePrefix("mysite.menu_title"))

you’re essentially nesting two translation functions.

The one in your theme returns whatever string you set in the locale file. In this case it’s

Some title

The one in the widget code then takes that string and process it as a translation key like so

I18n.t('Some title')

which obviously does not exist, so you see the issue you reported, where it returns

[en_US.Some Title]

In other words, this is a bug in core. We’ll get it fixed :+1:


That’s good to know! Any thoughts about why the code as given would also return such an issue then?

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I looked at the history and I can say with a certain amount of certainty that there’s been no changes to that file between the time that post was made and the time you asked your question that would be relevant here.

My guess is that even with the code as is, you would have gotten


when you hover the link if you add

title: 'custom-menu'

as stated in the code provided above by kleinfreund.

Perhaps they just never noticed that issue.


Also if you want a temporary workaround in the meantime, you can merge the old way (before theme translations) with the new way

I18n.translations.en.js.custom_translation = I18n.t(themePrefix("custom_theme_translation"));

return helper.attach('header-dropdown', {
  title: 'custom_translation',

Thanks for the feedback, @Johani! And that works beautifully, @awesomerobot. I appreciate it! Those responses worked better than me banging my head on my keyboard and/or taking Motrin!

Update: The above approach broke recently and I am working on determining what happened. If someone knows another post covering any changes, I’d be glad to read it.