Add more space after “close” or move the “Ask a category experts to respond” text to the right of the textarea

I loved this.

So far, I am just facing this little visual problem. Maybe there should be a little bit more space after “close” or move the “Ask a category experts to respond” text to the all right of the textarea.


You can use this CSS in a theme component in the meantime, if you can’t wait a fix:

:not(.mobile-view) .is-category-expert-question {
  margin-bottom: 0;
  margin-left: 2em;

I’m wondering if it would not make sense to keep that checkbox in the same place as the mobile view. :thinking:



@Arkshine Thanks for this alternative.

I agree that “as the mobile view” is the best place to go

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@Arkshine, in case you are wondering, do you think we can do this just by SCSS, or is it necessary to make code changes directly in this plugin?

You need code changes. I could PR, but I don’t know if that would be okay.

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@team What do you think? :slight_smile:

Acknowledging I see the issue and we are going to roll out of a fix later this week or early next week!

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Thank you, @Diego_Santos ! I’ve just merged a fix:

I kept the placement but adjusted the spacing so it’s aligned.


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