Adding idrive as S3 service

Do you mean I just need to fill the values demanded by Aws_S3 fields in Disco Admin Settings with the values provided by iDrive S3? (because there are no other fields in the disco admin settings for any other S3 service).

It might be a better choice to declare those values in app.yml instead.

To answer your question, Yes, the settings for S3 are the same regardless of if youā€™re using amazon or any other S3 compatible service.


I thought itā€™d be better thru Admin settings, which we can change any time wo needing to rebuild our container. :grinning: :slight_smile:


It seems it doesnā€™t.
When I fill idriveā€™s S3 values in disco admin settings, it refuses to accept iDriveā€™s endpoint address:

Pls tell if Iā€™m missing something here? Iā€™ve filled iDriveā€™s Access Keys and Secret, but canā€™t test them till this is sorted out.
Also there is no value supplied by iDrive to be filled in S3 Cdn Url

Only needed if idrive actually offers CDN for their storage. Alternatively you can use for cdn if needed.

Did you try adding https://


I tried now. But it still gives same ā€˜wrong formatā€™ error.

I noticed that IDrive supports the S3 API according to IDrive documentation, but I havenā€™t tried using it IDrive as an S3 backup for Discourse.

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I now noticed that although it accepted the endpoint value NOW with https, but the idrive bucket is still not reachable.

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