Adding line breaks to Admin > Customize > Text


What options, if any, are there for adding line breaks to text in the Admin > Customize > Text settings?


Depending on where the text gets displayed on Discourse, you can use markdown to create line breaks. Have a look at some of the existing templates to see how this is done. If you search for ‘education’ from the Text settings page, you’ll see a few good examples.


Thank you!

To be more specific, is it possible to add line breaks within

I believe that I’ve tried most of the ways to add line breaks in that text but I may have overlooked the right one.

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No, I don’t think it is possible to add line breaks to that text.


Thank you. That clarity helps!

Is it possible for the code to one day permit line breaks to be added there? Or is that a technical non-starter?

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I’m sure it’s technically possible, but it looks like the code that’s used to render text in the modal window is not currently setup to render markdown.


Simon, thank you so much for this quick and helpful insight!

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