Advice for starting with Discourse development

Hello to you and please give me a 101 of Discourse for a Dev if you have some spare time.

I am looking at a new project and honestly have no knowlege of thia platform. Vb and XF were my last project for clients but as a sole GNU/Linux user I finally have some tome for my own prpject and Opensource is the only way for me.

Main points of focus would be the custom theme process, hello world add-on example as well as any known helpers

Happy for all replies

Hi there. If you are new to Discourse, you can check out this guide;

Are you looking at how to make themes and components?


Hello and welcome @Brett_Peters :slight_smile:

We have some great guides in Developer Guides that might be worth with having a browse of.

I think a lot of people start with these:

Or if you’re looking for more backend things there’s some plugin guides in there as well.


Yes most defiantly any theming add-on or other components would be great ro get info on. Code base I am also unaware of, Php and CSS ?

Ruby on Rails, Ember.js and PostgreSQL, IIRC.