Ai plugin bot icon link

What’s the link that opens the Ai Bot chat modal?

It is just ordinary private chat with wanted AI. So you need name of that AI-person.

Or am I missing something now?


No that’s correct. It’s just a PM to the AI bot that is unique (that allows the user to select the bot/persona).
I don’t think there’s a direct link.

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It is correct :smirk: to have a private chat one must start it with a user, here an AI-person. With PM that is true, if used the bot icon.

There should be a string that can get this done as it currently works with the AiBot icon, right?

It is a bit more than just a link to private message with fixed receiver.

But you asked about chat. Private messages are different thing.

I want to open the private messages modal by using a link.

Like this?


Exactly, thanks

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