Allow subscription of predetermined length

This is only necessary for a development instance that runs locally on your computer. For example you can see in the video my discourse instance runs on localhost:4200 which means it runs on my computer.
If you want to recreate this exact environment you can follow this guide:

Because the stripe server cant reach the localhost:4200 address on my local network it is necessary to run this command to relay the webhook requests that come from the stripe server.

If you want to try this on a server that is connected to the internet you can follow the webhook configuration of the official tutorial: Discourse Subscriptions

Please don’t install it (yet) on an instance that already has live customer data and the old version of the discourse subscriptions plugin installed. Try it on a second staging server, because the two versions will be in conflict.

Thank you very much for testing this! It will also enable visitors that don’t have an account yet to buy a plan. They will be automatically invited to the discourse instance and have the appropriate group memberships once they paid.