As the “fog” gem (used by Discourse for S3 support) has the ability to use the keys from an IAM role, I respectfully submit a request to have Discourse use this option (:use_iam_profile => true) if the “use S3” option is enabled, but the “Access Key ID” and “Secret Key” fields are left blank.
Thanks, @codinghorror. I took a stab at it in my local instance; it was pretty easy and seems to work well. The change is in lib/file_store/s3_store.rb, and a diff is attached. I can submit a git pull request if desired.
This will create a 0001-Commit-message.patch file, which someone else can use git am on to apply the commit, keeping the author and timestamp. (These git tools were originally designed for emailing patches.)
Thanks, @riking. However, since my last post I went ahead and submitted a PR myself, using the prescribed methodology at discourse/ at master · discourse/discourse · GitHub. I cleaned it up a bit (adding an option instead of relying on the other fields to be blanks, and also making it work for S3 backups).
Putting a pr-welcome on this in case anyone wants to try bringing this feature back provided they don’t also bring back a swarm of bloated dependencies.