Amazon Onebox Broken?

Thank you much! Updated and it’s working for me too across all the other URLs I’ve found so far to have been previously not oneboxing. :tada:

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Sorry @jamie.wilson , now there is a double price (new and used) all attached.

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Testing a few European sites

.com site … iPads pretty much sold out on US Amazon … no dates for restock

last iPad Pro listed but the price shows atm.

Italian doesn’t Onebox - later I edited this post and repasted in an identical link now it does onebox - but no price
Spanish, British and German Oneboxed but no price.

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It looks like Onebox won’t pick up prices of used items, nor display an ‘out of stock’ message.

Keep in mind a Onebox is essentially a snapshot of a moment in time, and if Onebox is pointing at a page that is regularly changing (e.g., a product going in and out of stock, or the price fluctuating) it may not exactly match what is shown on the destination site when you click on it.

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This isn’t the problem
The items aren’t out of stock or second-hand.

I only mentioned stock levels out of interest that iPads stocks aren’t high in Europe or the US. Sorry it distracted you from the bug. (?)

Only .com showing prices.

Spanish Amazon - Paella Rice 1.99€ in stock - not second-hand :new: :rice:

If I view the page on for the rice, I see:

Agotado temporalmente.
Estamos trabajando para volver a tenerlo en stock lo antes posible.
Enviar a Canadá

As you may be able to guess, I am in Canada. The servers for meta are located in the US. I suspect Amazon is also telling US visitors (including the Onebox bot) that the product is unavailable.

Ultimately we can only generate a response based on what Amazon tells us.

Here is a product that is willing to ship outside of Spain, and therefore includes a price which Onebox can detect and display:


Okay, that’s the explanation … thanks for replying.
Would a server in the same location as the majority of your users solve this?

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Based on my observations regarding how Amazon currently responds to different requests, that would seem to be a reasonable assumption.

Note that Amazon changes how their system works quite frequently, so I’d recommend weighing up the pros/cons before making any big decisions. What works today may not work next week!



I am facing the same issue. Is there any way to show the onebox for Amazon? I am using discourse 3.0.3

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Posting an Amazon link on Discourse, here or on my test instance, tells me it couldn’t find any opengraph tags.à-nouveaux-horizons/dp/210079115X

However, og tags check from Facebook’s debugger returns the proper data:

(I’m not bringing any answer here, just info :slight_smile: )