Any interest in Podman?

@mcdanlj ,

Thanks for doing all that! - I was revisiting this topic after being away for a while and after reading earlier posts I was about to test Podman out. However from your post I can see I would not have made as much progress as you did.

Given all that, I am now interested in your manual install on Fedora . .

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@philip_rhoades I just read the development installation instructions I found, almost certainly those posted at

I already had a development environment set up, so I already had most of the dependencies. I didn’t try to translate the script, I just installed dependencies listed. Translating that to fedora package names was sufficiently trivial that I didn’t bother taking notes. So not much useful to contribute here.

@mcdanlj ,

I did get it going manually some years ago but then it became just easier to use the Docker version . . maybe I could give it another shot . .




Yes, you can see there that (with @fitzy 's help here) I did get the developer version going - my old posts here where I was commenting on the process have been lost when @fitzy consolidated his instructions into a revised, new post here: