Any plans to do something with ScreenedURLs

Continuing the discussion from Can I completely block any posts with a particular URL?:

As discussed in the sourse topic, Blocking new registrations by IP can work.

Just the same “times 256” adds up quickly and many SPAMmers use more than one (or a few) IPs.

Blocking post display based on ScreenedURLs would be a very good thing IMHO

We found this was very ineffective at Stack. Urls are very easy to change and spammers rarely stick with one for long.

Not opposed to it, but unlikely to help much, if at all.

For common urls you just don’t like or don’t ever want posted , those are more stable and can work. Like if you decide you dislike sports so much you don’t ever want a link from posted, ever. Or the craptacular w3schools.

[quote=“codinghorror, post:2, topic:22219”]
For common urls you just don’t like or don’t ever want posted , those are more stable and can work. [/quote]

Yes please. Particularly so we can block links. Those are annoying as all get out.


It’s true enough that both everchanging IPs and URLs get used.
Maybe a better approach would be “keywords” which depending on the forum would be different.

eg. “louis vuitton” would work for a tech forum but not a handbag forum.

I wonder if the “banned words” would work. eg.
replacing with ********/whatever would be enough to break the links