Api call returns nothing when too many requests

I want to get a list of topic with api calls and show their average rating in my android app but I cant get more than about 36 topic at once and the api return empty if I go more than that. I tried to increase max user api reqs per minute/day but it didn’t help.

Is there any other rate limits that I need to increase?

I have found the following file. Is it related to my problem? and if it is, How should I increase the limit here?


Add the following section into your app.yml

  reqs_per_second: 12
  burst_per_second: 12
  reqs_per_minute: 200
  burst_per_minute: 100

Edit to taste.


@hnaseri Did that fix your issues?

@sam is that still the valid solution?
I create Users and add them to groups via api calls, and now get responses “Slow down, too Many Requests from this IP Address” - or is there a setting where I can adjust the number of requests allowd for this particular IP Address, or for the api user - that would be safest, I think.

Thank you

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For a full document of our current rate limits.