API call to watch categories and tags


I added a new watch-by-default category and have to add it to the watching list of all existing accounts. I have not found a correponding API call in our How-to: Discourse API Documentation

I am also looking for an API call to add given tags to the watch list for a given account.

All the best,

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You might want to take a look at this:

Based on the plugin, I wrote a ruby snippet to execute in the rails console (get a shell in your docker using ./launcher enter app and then rails c).

# based on https://github.com/discourse/discourse-watch-category-mcneel/blob/master/plugin.rb

# let a group watch or watch_first_post a category

group_name = "trust_level_0"
category_slug = "news"

group = Group.find_by_name(group_name)
category = Category.find_by_slug(category_slug)

unless category.nil? || group.nil?
  group.users.each do |user|
    # levels: :watching :watching_first_post
    level = :watching_first_post
    watched_categories = CategoryUser.lookup(user, level).pluck(:category_id)
    CategoryUser.set_notification_level_for_category(user, CategoryUser.notification_levels[level], category.id) unless watched_categories.include?(category.id)

I had some troubles when I pasted the code into the console due to less that displays the results of the query for the group and category and consumes apparently some following code lines.

The same for tags, but yet untested:

# based on https://github.com/discourse/discourse-watch-category-mcneel/blob/master/plugin.rb

# watch tag

group_name = "trust_level_0"
tag_name = "newstag"

group = Group.find_by_name(group_name)
tag = Tag.find_by_name(tag_name)

unless tag.nil? || group.nil?
  group.users.each do |user|
    # levels: :watching :watching_first_post
    level = :watching_first_post
    watched_tags = TagUser.lookup(user, level).pluck(:tag_id)
    TagUser.change(user.id, tag.id, TagUser.notification_levels[level]) unless watched_tags.include?(tag.id)

Any further testing or implementation / use of this? I’m looking for a way to ‘opt’ users in to watch tags :slight_smile:

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I’m interested in this as well. Any way to request category/tag watching from the API or a plugin client-side code?

Here is something related: