App Promoter

Install this theme component

Hello :wave:

With this theme component you can promote your app in a modal inspired by reddit… This modal only appears in browser usage and logged in users. I have plan to add a setting to restrict it to trust level and maybe makes available for anons. The modal is cookie based and contains two sections (row).

1. First row appears the app you set up in settings.

2. Second row (bowser) automatically detects the browser and depends of that changes the logo and name. Clicking the continue button it places a cookie in the user browser with by default 1 month expiration date. (It means the user won’t see the banner until the cookie expires.) It’s also changeable in settings.

The browsers logo automatically uploads with installing the theme component.
Screenshot 2024-07-26 at 14.47.46

There are some settings where you can set up separately the android and ios app.

The pwa version is only working in Chrome and automatically detects the app installation status in the supported browsers.

If the PWA isn’t installed yet.

If the PWA already installed.

How it looks like in browsers.

In the Theme Translations you can translate, customize every text…

:warning: There are some limitation because not every browser support the PWA installation is only working in Chrome. The other browsers appears the app based model if you setted up in settings.
This theme component is only for Android! I’ll might be update it to iOS, iPadOS Safari in the future because the app based modal could show there as well to redirect users to the AppStore app page.

I’ve updated the theme component so now it supports iOS.


This is quite cool. Iirc someone awhile back was looking to have a way for this to pop back up or a direct option without having to find the install app/add to home screen in the browser


Amazing! My idea to launch my app + this = touché.


Thanks to the theme component @Don

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Hello :wave:

I’ve updated the component and the OP too… :tada: