Are there any changes to the CSS connection in the plugins?

Perhaps a local problem, but the css styles in the plugins did not connect.

latest-release +320

ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `find_plugin_css_assets' for Discourse:Module) /var/www/discourse/app/views/common/_discourse_stylesheet.html.erb:15:in `_app_views_common__discourse_styl

Perhaps the case is in capital letters in the name of the plugin?

ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `topics' for nil:NilClass) /var/www/discourse/plugins/Toxu-h/custom_views/list/list.erb:71:in `_plugins__oxu_h_custom_views_list_list_erb___43913933

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It appears that plugin is causing the problem.

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Like it was done with done with JS months ago, CSS now loads a file per plugin, and will not load the files for disabled plugins.


after this commit, styles does not display on the site net::ERR_ABORTED 404

i registring css

register_asset "stylesheets/styles.scss"
register_asset "stylesheets/common/custom-menu.scss"

like now?

In my case, the error was fixed by replacing the case of letters in the name of the plugin (folder). I don’t know why, but now capital letters are not perceived.

This was evident from this error.

ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `topics' for nil:NilClass) /var/www/discourse/plugins/Toxu-h/custom_views/list/list.erb:71:in `_plugins__oxu_h_custom_views_list_list_erb___43913933

Toxu-h -> toxu-h

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This variant works!

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dots also cannot be use in the plugin name
toxu.h -> toxu-h or toxuh

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