As an Admin, how to change user's Primary Email or add Secondary Emails when 'email editable' is off?

When email editable is on, an Admin can easily edit a user’s email.

However, when email editable is off, even the Admin can’t edit that from the profile settings.

So, I’m wondering if there’s a way to change user’s Primary Email or add Secondary Emails when email editable is off?

I’m pretty sure that’s because you’ve got SSO configured and the email address is controlled by your remote authentication server. Is that right?


Yes, we use SSO, but not the DiscourseConnect.

So, if this is the expected behavior, why emails can be edited when email editable is on, even we’re using SSO? Isn’t this cause confusion?

Do I understand that you are confused that when email_editable is turned off you are unable to edit emails?

It’s hard to imagine just why you want to edit emails and have edit-emails turned off, or why your SSO isn’t managing the email address. I’m not sure that I can help.

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Thanks for help, now I understand I have to make the SSO managing the email address, and turn off email editable, to prevent the situation that users can transfer accounts simply by editing email :expressionless:.

Currently, some users want to add Secondary Emails, but someone used this feature to transfer accounts :melting_face:.

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