ATTN: Creative Text Formatters—Is there a "Text Format Showcase" Topic for reference?

Is there an Example Topic that demonstrates all normal and creative uses of text formatting?

If you had to maximize the function + aesthetics of a text-only Topic, what’s “everything” text formatting can do, on a single Topic?

For example:

Nested Hide Details

Nested 1

This text will be hidden

Nested 2

This text will be hidden

Nested 3

This text will be hidden

I’d love to see:

  • What are all the possible options?
  • What are the most creative options, and how are they used?

Essentially, how useful AND awesome can you make Discourse text look ONLY using text formatting.

Is there an Example Topic that demonstrates all possible normal and creative text formatting uses, and if not, could we open up a “Text Formatting Sandbox” Topic to let everyone showcase their ideas?

Thanks in advance :grinning:

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