So I have decided to try out discourse’s standard plan on a free trial and I did so in a new window I added some random words to the watched words section and put some as silence then I went and made a second account VIA incognito and then made a post featuring the watched word in the silence and It flagged the post I went to the admin dash and accepted the flag but system never silenced them so I did it again and on the second time it silenced why did it no do it on the first one?
Hard to say without seeing what happened exactly. If you’re new to Discourse you may have missed some information.
For example (I don’t think it’s likely to happen), the anti-spam feature could have automatically flagged the new post before the watched word trigger.
Can you post a screenshot of what you see at /review?additional_filters=%7B%7D&sort_order=created_at&status=all
Not at the moment i realized my issue when i made the post orignally i forgot to add a the watched word so it never did it then i did so it worked