Posts and account not always restored when flag from Discourse AI spam detection rejected





Operating System

Windows 11


Google Chrome 131.0.6778.265



Discourse AI



When a post is detected as spam by the spam detection feature of the Discourse AI plugin, the following actions are taken:

  • Post is hidden
  • Post author’s account is silenced
  • Flag is raised

The forum staff then review the flag. In the case where the spam detection was a false positive, the staff member will click the “No, restore post” button on the flag review interface.

:bug: The post and account is not always restored when the flag reviewer clicks the “No, restore post” button. The post remains hidden and the post author’s account remains silenced unfairly.

Reproducible steps:

I don’t know how to reliably reproduce the fault, but these are the steps that are performed when the fault does occur:

  1. Wait for a post to be flagged by the Discourse AI spam detection system.
  2. Click the “No, restore post” button on the flag review interface.
  3. Check the flagged post.
    :bug: The post might still be hidden.
  4. Check the admin page of the user who created the flagged post.
    :bug: The user’s account might still be silenced.

Additional context

It seems to happen under the following conditions:

  • Flagged post is not the first post of the topic.
  • Author of the flagged post created the topic.

I notice that if I check the user notes of the users whose accounts remained silenced after the flag rejection due to the bug, there are two identical notes with this form:

system 19m

@discourse_ai_spam silenced this account until January 13, 3025. Reason: User silenced automatically by Discourse AI

Several minutes separate the timestamps on the two notes. Both notes are associated with the same post, for which only one flag was raised.

If I check the user notes of users whose posts were flagged, but the account was correctly restored after the rejection of the flag, I only see one of these notes.

In case it might be useful for investigation, I’ll mention that this is happening on the forum at:


I made fix for this here:

Even though it is less magical and punishing towards spammers than the old mechanism was I think the extra safety and clarity is worth it.

Aside, I noticed a pattern of false positives on Arduino and will adjust the custom instructions a bit to correct it (pending deploy)


Thanks so much for the bug fix, and for the improvement on our AI spam detection instructions!

A remarkably quick response time as usual from the Discourse team!

Regards, Per


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Unfortunately I discovered that the problem is still occurring even after our forum was updated to a version that contains the prospective fix.

I discovered that in the last week, there were three cases where the flagged post remained hidden and the user’s account remained silenced even though we had clicked the “No, restore post ” button:

This occurred with:

  • Discourse AI plugin version 4784e7fe43ff25c44df986a56f70c0c1c017a51a
  • Discourse version d3a7b996992e721dd9caab60095414eaf1fc832f

Thanks Pert, I will have a look this week and see what is causing this.

Investigating here there are a bunch of interesting stories.

In the case of:

I can see the user got silenced multiple times by AI.

Somehow we saw the sequence of:

  • System flagged
  • Flag rejected
  • User edited
  • Spam system picked it up again
  • No flag was created cause it would be a “Duplicate”, so system transparently did nothing.

Let me have a chat with the staff experience team about this to see how we can properly resolve it.

We need to allow AI to re-flag stuff cause spammers can be very sneaky, just cause it was good to start with does not mean it is good forever.


This, to me, looks like a rather complex edge case, give us a bit to debug here and find a robust solution to the problem.

Double flagging is a very complicated thing.

Thanks Sam.

Absolutely. I don’t at all mind receiving additional flags for a post.

Yes, it is great that the spam system re-evaluates posts after an edit!

We had an additional occurrence of the problem:

If it is useful to have additional examples of the problem, just let me know and I’ll continue to provide them here as they are discovered (I periodically run a Data Explorer query to check for hidden posts and silenced users resulting from the bug). Otherwise, I will refrain as I don’t want to generate “noise” here if they aren’t needed.

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I think we are good, we have a great repro now, @martin has this on his list and will have a look next week.

I can think of “naive” hatchet type fixes, but prefer to figure out if there is something a bit more clean we can do here. (Eg: If flag was handled then manually disassociate the flag from the post so we have room for another flag)

Thanks so much for reporting this

Hi Pert,

I’m Martin, I was assigned to take a look at this issue. I’ve now fixed the problem where AI would try to re-flag an already handled spam post, fail, and then still end up silencing the user and hiding the post. I deployed the fix to your site.

The deeper need for AI to re-flag things as spam is still present, but at least you will no longer see this confusing behaviour where users are silenced and posts are hidden.

Please let me know if you have any more issues.


Thanks Martin!

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