Autopopulating tag dropdown when using parent/child tags in topic


I have setup a category to use parent/child tag groups, similar to Set up structured tagging with tag groups and category tag restrictions .

Once the user selects the child tag, I’d like the users to be able to essentially “go back to the start” and select a new parent tag and resulting child tag. However, the main list of parent tags no longer autopopulate (nor do any other tags), and it’s left to the user to manually type in the tag. I’ve searched around for possible theme components or workarounds, but can’t seem to find anything. In the category settings, I do not have the option checked to allow other tags. Even if I were to require more than 1 tag from the parent group, the parent’s tag group doesn’t appear again after selecting a tag.

Here’s what I’m hoping can be done:

In the topic composer, the user clicks on the tags field → dropdown menu appears with list of parent tags → user selects parent tag → dropdown menu with child tags appears → user selects child tag → dropdown menu appears with list of parent tags once again

This is what I currently see:

selecting parent tags

selecting child tag

parent and child tags selected, nothing is in the dropdown - but would like to select an additional parent tag

Is this possible?

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