Awards keep getting awarded

Is there something I have to do to stop these award notifications from popping up every time I log in?

I click to view the notification, but it reappears when I log back in… Is there a special operation I need to do to acknowledge them other than clicking on them?

If you haven’t clicked on each one it will remain highlighted.

In theory they should have cleared after clicking on them.

There is a dismiss button on the bottom of your ss.

If you have viewed all other notifications. Simply press [Dismiss] to clear the notifications that are current.


I thought that’s how notifications usually work - select them to acknowledge them

I did click on ‘Dismiss’ and it said I have one important notification, so I clicked off it to make this post but it is acting like I clicked ‘Yes’… :confused:

idk it’s weird lol

Also, the down chevron, hinting at expanding the frame downwards, is actually a link to another page lol I thought it would expand to a scrolling list or something similar - I feel like I need to relearn what each site’s iconography is, I’m sure interfaces used to be more consistent lol

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Yeah imho. While a lot of the new stuff is cool. Still needs some work.

I would myself go more clean. Open the Notifications and have it so click on the Notification heading for each area you have a notification. Vs the all in one list. :wink:

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I have better idea[1] — let’s give to user an option to ban silence badge notifications totally? After beginning coming of those are more slower but everytime one shows up it gives to me facepalm effect because on my cultural atmosphere those are really childish and it was the very first feature that was downvoted in forum.

So defenetly not biggie but as annoying to use capital first letter on headers. So… we should let users decide by themselves. Not playing case by case in jungle of menus.

  1. I now, off topic because this more like a feature request, but I already know it doesn’t happend; still this is another UI/UX issue ↩︎

We actually already have this (Preference → Interface), should it work?


That will do the work with new user badges only, right? Not with bug badges etc?

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