Babble Chat

I know you won’t believe. But till today morning, my babble chat (installed just 3 days back, so only 10 to 20 msgs were there) appeared under one topic in the chosen category.

I believed this was the intended behaviour that Babble chat would appear in the designated category (category chosen in babble settings).
Now it happened that I went into do some experiments and happen to delete that category. And now I can’t not only bring that behaviour back, but also facing a new peculiarity.

If I created a new category, specially for Babble chat, and assigned that category to Babble. Then (unlike till this morning), any post/topic I create under that category doesn’t appear in the Babble Chat. But if I post a msg in Babble chat, then that (first) msg can only be edited, but can’t be deleted in any way. And to make things worse, I can’t delete that category anymore since category would keep showing that there exists one topic.
How can I resolve this?
Hope I was able to make myself clear.

I would repeat, that till today morning, whatever was being posted in Babble chat, was being reproduced in the category’s one topic. There must be some 10 to 20 babble postings showing under that category (all under one topic, linear way).`

How to change background color under icon?

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Can we show chat logs outside Babble?
I mean, for example, “chat topic” in normal Discourse.

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I knew it’s exist, but I don’t know how can I put it into topic list.

Is there a way to get Babble working outside of Discourse itself? We are interested in embedding a Babble chatroom into a separate part of our website, so that we can still have moderator tools and use the same accounts as on our forum.

I have recently deployed your plugin for our community. Thanks for all of your work.

There is one issue I am facing,
babble-staged-post sometimes doens’t disappear and spinner keep rotating. It happens rarely., subsequent posts again will not have problem.

Any kind of log/support you wanted I would be happy to post.

Hello, i just want to resize the Avatars, they are big & blurry :frowning:

@gdpelican :slight_smile:

@PaulinaMX I’d venture that your site has some custom CSS set which is interfering with the styling. Try removing any custom styling to see if that fixes the issue?

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Thank you very much, I already identified the problem, it is this code to enlarge the avatar in the posts.

.topic-avatar {
  width: 70px;
  .avatar {
    width: 70px;
    height: 70px;

This is a great plugin. I installed it for my forum, and it works great on both PC and phone.


Definitely a game changer. Our members are already loving it, however is there a way to change the background of the icon? I know this is coming from our theme, but there must be a way to customize it. Thanks!


Hi @calebs, try something like

.babble-sidebar-collapsed {
  background: #some_color;
  &:hover { background: #some_color; }

You may need to !important the colors as well, given that they’re already overrides.


Try this: Matterbabble: Discourse Matterbridge integration

It’s a few more moving pieces, but once you connect Babble to Matterbridge, it can connect to a ton more :slight_smile:

@gdpelican - with our recent updates to the Group code by adding a tracking level, it appears Babble is causing this: Admins can't see a group set to `group owner` only visibility


Hey @gdpelican Any chance you can add a route name for the plugin? If that’s even possible in the first place… :thinking:

That way I could launch it from the Tab Bar plugin which would be great for mobile users

A quick suggestion to improve usability:

current behaviour: after sending the message the text field is greyed out and you cannot type meanwhile since the message is “posted”

suggested behaviour: user should be able to type the next message right after sending one. (but not being able to send it until the last one is successfully “posted”)

the suggested behaviour emulates the UX of all modern messenger and chat apps.

Also I often type multiple short messages and it’s annoying having to wait 2 seconds before I can type the next one :confused:

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Please make it so that Babble automatically clears old chat history. Recently I hit the 10k posts limit on a topic on my website used for group chat and I’ve had to manually figure out a solution to find the hidden topic that was used for the chat and re-open it. My settings in babble are set to only retain chat history for the last 3 days and yet chat history in Babble is still kept all the way back until when I first installed it. I’m still trying to figure out a solution and currently looking into how I can manually bulk delete old posts… for right now I’ve increased the post limit to 20,000 but I don’t think this is a viable solution for longterm. @gdpelican


The latest update has caused the color of the babble chat button to be non-overridable by the use of a !important on the background CSS element.

I like how the icon to initiate chat looks on the mobile version (sizing, placement, etc.). Can it appear the exact same way on the desk top view? Specifically, can the link be placed in the header? If so, how?