Backlinks make certain posts more popular than they should be!

This could end up more of a feature request, but here’s the explanation. For instance, in the most popular topic on Discourse Welcome to, you can see there are ‘backlinks’ (if this is the accurate word) that became very popular,

However, most of these topics might not necessarily be related. If the discourse team want to clear that list, they’d have to manually go to each topic they don’t want and delete the reference.

Thoughts about this:

  • What if we want to sort that list? For instance, I want specific posts to appear at the top of this list in a particular topic. (maybe an option to ‘pin’ a post backlink?
  • If I want to remove a topic from that list, I have to go and edit that manually by removing the reference, but what if I don’t want to edit the other topic (since it might actually be important to mention it there) yet I don’t need it to be ‘so popular’ because it referenced the top topic…


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You could add ?silent=true to the link. For example does not add a link below that post (and it does not notify the author of that post)


You know, that’s a very helpful suggestion! I had to use ``` to keep the links in the new topics but not get them to be referenced in the top topic, so I’ll actually go back and update that. Thanks!

So for the ‘sorting’ the list and pinning certain ones to the top, it’s probably a feature request, right? :slight_smile:

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Yep. The links shown are just links, and are sorted by popularity, not by any other way (yet).

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Very nice. Was not aware of this. Should probably work in a link resource if some sort. I have used swapping username in a link to credit another user with a link. :wink: