Backup frequency not understood

Hey guys,

these are my settings for backup at the moment:

Here you see that actual backups made (It´s a new board, thus the small backups :slight_smile: )

I configured, as you can see, backup frequency “1”, but the backups are made every second day.
Is it just, that I´m too dumb to understand it, or is it something else ?

I want daily backups! :- :joy:

Thanks and Cheers,



Hey, what is your backup_time_of_day value? Also is it local or S3 storage?

it´s 3:30 and it´s local because of this

Thanks :slight_smile:

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I see, thanks! I was maybe thinking of some timing issue, but it doesn’t look this way.
I will try to reproduce it. Let’s hope someone else has a better idea of what’s happening.

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It´s still the same here.

Backup Frequenceny is at “1”
But backups are occuring only every second day :frowning:

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Could you enter your Docker container, start the rails console, …

./launcher enter app
rails c

… run the following two lines of code …


… and post the output, please?


Hey @gerhard,

here you are :slight_smile:

rails c
[1] pry(main)> BackupRestore::BackupStore.create.latest_file
=> #<BackupFile:0x00007ff6c5ed79e8 @filename="community-2025-03-04-033214-v20250220090521.tar.gz", @last_modified=2025-03-04 02:32:19.790859841 UTC, @size=43521649, @source=nil>
[2] pry(main)>
=> 2025-03-04 08:07:17.128857559 UTC

Last Backups:

The setting is still:

The image shows a settings window displaying a field labeled "Backup frequency" with the input "1" and an accompanying tooltip explaining the setting. (Captioned by AI)

Cheers WS


Thanks, okay, I see the issues.

There’s a daily background job that runs at 00:00 and enqueues a backup job for a later time. But this condition most likely isn’t true for daily backups, so it’s skipped.

And the fact that we are adding some jitter to the actual start of the backup doesn’t help either.

I consider this a bug that we should fix.