Hello! My name is Cricket and I am new to this forum! I understand this is where you ask for regarding your forums or some issues, right? This is brilliant!
Oops! I need to get straight to the point: I am trying to grant a ⚑ First Flag badge to someone on my forum, and it won’t show up in the granting section, where you type in what badge you want to grant! Unfortunately, I don’t see it anywhere!
The user does not have it already, if you were wondering, and I can’t seem to find it! I also tried granting it through a direct topic, but that wouldn’t work either!
If you can help me with this, that’d be greatly appreciated! Thank you!
Badge granting from the user admin menu is only available for badges the admins have created. See the guide below on how you can create badges on your community.
However, like in your case, if you want to grant badges such as first flag to a user you’ll have to follow the guide below on bulk badge granting.