Developing Discourse Plugins - Part 6 - Add acceptance tests

LOAD_PLUGINS=1 QUNIT_SKIP_CORE=1 QUNIT_SINGLE_PLUGIN='discouse-humble-box' /home/ravenstorm/.rbenv/versions/2.5.3/bin/rake qunit:test
Chrome is not installed. Download from
rake aborted!
Command failed with status (1): [LOAD_PLUGINS=1 QUNIT_SKIP_CORE=1 QUNIT_SIN...]
/home/ravenstorm/discourse/lib/tasks/plugin.rake:117:in `block in <main>'
Tasks: TOP => plugin:qunit
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Install Chrome and then give it another try.

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Oh sorry iā€™ve pasted an old error code which i had stored in a pastebin :frowning_face:

navigate to http://localhost:60099/qunit?qunit_single_plugin=discouse-humble-box&qunit_skip_core=1&seed=187998423095278311109560784485973475676
Tests timed out
rake aborted!
Command failed with status (124): [node /home/ravenstorm/discourse/vendor/ass...]
/home/ravenstorm/discourse/lib/tasks/qunit.rake:89:in `block in <main>'
Tasks: TOP => qunit:test
(See full trace by running task with --trace)
rake aborted!
Command failed with status (1): [LOAD_PLUGINS=1 QUNIT_SKIP_CORE=1 QUNIT_SIN...]
/home/ravenstorm/discourse/lib/tasks/plugin.rake:117:in `block in <main>'
Tasks: TOP => plugin:qunit

Try running the test in the browser as David suggested earlier. So, in your browser, when the server is running, go to your-local-site/qunit. Very often, for me, timeouts in the Terminal have errors in JS that I could see and fix after visiting /qunit on the browser.

Thats one of the problems :smiley:

I canā€™t find acceptance tests on my /qunit

Even after turning on all modules and filtering it with box and humble nothing is here :slightly_frowning_face:

Try renaming the folder to test/javascripts/acceptance - that extra s is quite important!

You might need to do rm -rf tmp, and then restart your development server for the changes to take effect.

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Do what David said above (rename the folder to javascripts), but ALSO, change the name of your plugin in plugin.rb to discourse-humble-box to match the folder name. I did these two changes, and I see tests locally:


Yea iā€™ve seen those as well now, but these arenā€™t really eye-opening results tbh.

But gotta dig deeper and lookup why these errors are shown.

Thanks for the help guys.
For example the second test caseā€¦ if i am testing it myself by handā€¦ it works, but running it on qunit it fails :frowning:

Ok, got a brief idea whats bringing me the errors and it confuses me:
http://localhost:9292/ in my browser has the plugin installed and working
http://localhost:9292/qunit the test shows, that the plugin is not even installed

I thought these two are using the same enviroment ?
Could this be caused by my local dev-enviroment since itā€™s not using docker and Iā€™m not able to install the plugin like Install Plugins in Discourse ? Itā€™s just sitting in the plugins folder like the others.

Any idea how this is possible ?

Iā€™m trying to follow this guide, but Iā€™m getting stuck right at the beginning: I canā€™t access /qunit at all. (This also seems related to the Beginners Guide to Install Discourse on Ubuntu for Development, which is basically the approach Iā€™m using to deploying Discourse on my local machine for learning about development, but this guide is the prompt that triggered my obstacle, so I thought Iā€™d put it here.) Attempting to access it gives a ā€œThat page doesnā€™t exist or is privateā€ response.

The controller for the /qunit route (discourse/qunit_controller.rb at 166fe3bb34f99bd0baa613726486ce0f13c7a992 Ā· discourse/discourse Ā· GitHub) mentions that it is # only used in non-ember-cli test / dev (the comment before that method), so Iā€™ve tried running the instance with RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rails server, but EmberCli.enabled? is still true.

What approach are you all using to run a local development server such that we can actually access /qunit (which probably involves disabling EmberCLI)? (I certainly may be missing something obvious.)


The new path is /tests. Iā€™ll update the OP - thanks!


Great, thanks! On to the next obstacle:

This direct link to the particular acceptance test gives the error (with a backtrace):

Error: No tests matched the module "Acceptance: Purple Tentacle".

Indeed, when I search through the ā€œModule:ā€ select list, I donā€™t see anything there matching ā€œpurpleā€ or ā€œPurpleā€. Is there a new piece to the system for registering plugins or their tests that may be missing here?

If I search for ā€œpurpleā€ using the ā€œFilter:ā€ text box, it takes me to the following URL: http://localhost:4200/tests?filter=purple, which gives me a different error:

Error: Could not find module `helpers/qunit-helpers` imported from `discourse/plugins//acceptance/purple-tentacle-test`
    at missingModule (http://localhost:4200/assets/vendor.js:259:11)

Do you have any ideas for what might be out of place here?

As a sidebar, does the /tests URL use the catch-all get "*url", to: 'permalinks#show' route, and thus Permalink.find_by_url to actually resolve? If so, at what point in Discourse initialization does the /tests URL mapping get loaded into the database?

@jlc, thank you so much for trying out our guide and keeping us up to date. :meow_heart:

Iā€™ve made some changes to the OPā€™s example acceptance test to reflect some new changes weā€™re using for acceptance tests. Essentially, the two changes are

  • imports, and
  • the usage of the needs constant within acceptance

That should solve most of the issues youā€™ve mentioned. You can also make use of some of the needs options here:

Looking through the whole qunit-helpers file would also be very useful!

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