Best element to use for pulling featured posts

I am just launching my new site design, and what I want to do is pull specific posts (not by main category etc, but let’s say “highlighted” posts that I want to embed into main pages (for SEO, but also just to make sure I’m driving customers to the right forum posts if they are interested

I know the embed part is pretty easy (screenshot) but what do you recommend is the best way to tag individual topics that I could then pull into pages?

Example use case: Let’s say I have this page Real Estate PPC | Pay Per Click Management for Realtors® and I want a section where I can embed specific topics link this one: Is it better to have $5 real estate leads or $50 leads? - Google Adwords - Real Estate Webmasters Forum / REW Community

Is there an easy flag I can set so that I could then pull “category = PPC” and “flag = featured” or something?


How about just tagging those posts as #featured?


But does that also pin them to the top? I’m trying to select specific threads (for relevance to pages I want to put them on) but I don’t necessarily want to give them any kind of “pin” or “priority” within the forums. If that makes sense.

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No, a tag is just a tag :slight_smile: You probably want to make them ‘staff only’ so your members can’t apply it themselves.


Just looked at the admin on posts, I don’t see a feature option. Does this need to be enabled for use? How does one flag a post as featured?

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I think I found it (have to enable) I’ll let you know how it goes :slight_smile:


All good! Just need to figure out colours :slight_smile:

Thanks for your help

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Sorry quick follow up, anyone know how to change the grey background (in a setting) or do I have to do it in CSS? Topics tagged coaching (the BG behind coaching in this example)

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You can have some control over this with the tag style site setting. Changing the tag style to “simple” should give you what you are looking for. Otherwise, you can set the style with CSS in your site’s theme.

Another approach that you could take would be to add the featured tag to a tag group. That would allow you to configure the tag so that it can only be seen by your site’s staff members:

For more details about tag groups, see Tags: category restrictions, tag groups, relationships.

Hey, I think we’re both in Nanaimo! It’s great that you’re using Discourse!

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Yes, I am in Nanaimo. I own Real Estate Wembasters downtown. Where you at Simon? Small world!

I recognized the name :slight_smile: I’m working out of my place just off Stewart Ave, not to far away from you. Yes, it’s a small world!

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