Better way for my users to invite others?

Here’s a contrivance. You could allow anyone to join, but have no read-only categories. People would have to be added to a group to be able to get to the Good Stuff. People would have to know to join a group to see the stuff.

You’d need to think through that, but you could assign lots of people to be group owners who’d be able to add more users.


Or just create a “please invite these people” topic, in a category that only TL2 members can see. If people post in they are TL2 by definition (or set up whatever category permissions you prefer), and staff can edit the request posts to put a :white_check_mark: next to those they invited.


Thanks for the suggestions I’ll have to talk to my partner and see what he thinks.

If anyone happens to think of any other possible solutions I’d be happy to hear them!


I am totally confused with this topic. Ignore me if I am wrong.

Anyway just now I tested invite functionality in my localhost and it is working fine with below criteria.

  1. Enabled the invite only SiteSetting
  2. Enabled the login required SiteSetting
  3. Created a new member using console
  4. Promoted the new user to TL2

Now I am able to send invitation as that new user. Even it is working while both or either one SiteSetting disabled. I can’t understand why it is not working for you. Do you have SSO enabled?

Currently only TL2 users can send invites. So no harm when we welcome friend-of-a-TL2-friend-of-a-TL2-friend-of-a-TL2-friend :slight_smile:


Dunno, the OP will need to confirm if SSO was enabled.

SSO is not enabled nor is login required.

What about enable local logins SiteSetting? It says “Enable local username and password login based accounts. (Note: this must be enabled for invites to work)”

Update: must approve users SiteSetting doing it. While it enabled staffs can send invites. But not normal users (any TL user) can’t.


Isn’t that supposed to be done through invite only AND must approve users?

It’s possible @vinothkannans is right here – must approve users.

Clearly the interaction between these settings is complex and confusing.

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@vinothkannans got it sorted out for us it was the must approve users. setting.

So I guess my next question would be is it possibly to add a button in the customize html section that would open up the invite modal?

Okay let me explain when all the invites won’t work for a user.

  1. If user’s maximum invites per day is reached. (staff are immune to this limitation)
  2. If SSO enabled.
  3. If local logins are disabled.
  4. If must approve users setting enabled. (staff are immune to this limitation)
  5. If user has trust level below 2. (staff are immune to this limitation)

This has been updated a few times since. The current wording is…

All new users must be explicitly invited by trusted users or staff. Public registration is disabled.

I have this enabled. Where would an existing user go to invite another person? Sorry, I cannot find it.

I’ve lowered default invitee trust level to 0 for testing. Still not seeing it.

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The referenced “trusted users” is users who have achieved TL2 (15 days returning to the forum). If you have an existing community or are trying to bootstrap one, manually granting TL2 and TL3 to a few users that you invite may be a good idea.

(:warning: make sure to click “Unlock Trust Level” after a manual promotion to TL2, to ensure that they are able to earn TL3 later!)


Hello @shaundefense, have you managed to do that? To create a separated button to show invitation modal?

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Is there a setting for this? I want to disable the ability of users to invite others, so only staff is able to do this.

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Either enable “must approve users” so staff has to approve every sign up, set the invitation rate limit to 0, or disable local username/password logins and require an alternate authentication provider.