Bootstrap failed with exit code 1 on Raspberry Pi 5

FWIW I managed to get a development install running on a Pi 5, but it was quite messy along the way :sweat_smile:

I’m definitely not recommending you use anything other than the standard install if this is meant for public consumption on the internet, but just to provide a datapoint that all required resources should run ok on a Pi 5 suitably prepared.


Eek! yeah, I might just hold off for the standard install to be working! :slight_smile:

Hey @keviiNN25 and @lemonade,

This issue was caused by the fact the the OS for Pi5 uses 16k for PAGESIZE by default, which isn’t supported by the jemalloc version we ship. The first thing to break during a rebuild is redis-server being able to start, which in turn means our asset compilation fails.

I baked a image that solves this, can you give it a try?

cd /var/discourse
sed -i -- 's/discourse\/base:aarch64/discourse\/base:aarch64-pi5/' launcher 
./launcher rebuild app

That worked a treat! - Super easy. Thank you very much for you help with this @Falco and everyone else :slight_smile:

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6 posts were split to a new topic: VPS Installation Failures: Navigating Through Discourse Setup Hurdles

Hey @keviiNN25 and @lemonade,

The install will now work out of the box on the Raspberry Pi 5. Please revert the changes made in the launcher script locally.

Also worth mentioning, we now have a demo site running in a Pi 5, and it’s 5x faster than the one we had on the Pi 4 :rocket:


Please revert the changes made in the launcher script locally.

Sorry @Falco, how would I do this?

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Sorry to post again, but just cautious I have not reverted the changes you mentioned before.

Is the site ok to go into production as-is, or do I need to reinstall from fresh?

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I think you’d run falco’s original change:

But inverting the sed check:

cd /var/discourse
sed -i -- 's/discourse\/base:aarch64-pi5/discourse\/base:aarch64/' launcher 
./launcher rebuild app
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So I did as you said there, but looks like I am still on a beta build? Is that as expected?

Yes (though -dev isn’t supposed to show up), see:

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