Bottom line: Is Discourse now $12/month minimum on DigitalOcean? 😔 [Not yet! 🙂]

Following up here to say I used Jay’s recommended standard installation procedure and was able to install Discourse on a $6 Droplet.

The decoupling of docker and Discourse may have been enough to keep the memory limits at bay; regardless, this approach worked on the first attempt.

The next challenge with installation/setup is configuring Mailjet without having any ability to create domain-based email addresses.

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I must admit, I find online upgrades painfully slow these days on VPS with less than 4GB/3vCPU, so I wouldn’t consider a smaller footprint unless really trying to save money.


Have you been able to accomplish this yet?

As I had hoped, adding both my domain and subdomain to Sender Domains was enough to get around the issue of not being able to create email addresses.

As long as your Sender Domains are verified, you can send transactional emails from any “fake” address you want—,, etc.

I couldn’t figure out how to explain that to you. Glad you got it!

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