Given the url structure Discourse uses, Google has little hints about the hierarchy of the forum. How about adopting the microdata for breadcrumbs? Discourse already has the categories in the right order rendered in the posts page.
I don’t have any articles to indicate if ranking improves. One of the advantages is to allow the user to get to a particular category from the search results. The breadcrumbs replace the link, just bellow the title.
This is interesting. Discourse serves plain pages for crawlers. For now, it doesn’t include these.
I do want to know whether it’s eligible to add metadata to only these pages, excluding the handlebar templates. You know, Google spider can understand JavaScript…
I prefer RDFa since I heard it all the time. It seems solid.
I believe @sam made some tweaks to this, we didn’t like that “categories” was showing up as a breadcrumb itself. Here’s how it looked before that tweak
Seems some results are showing the new format with the changes:
Or maybe that’s only subcategories… perhaps categories aren’t appearing now. Hard to say…