@Lilly sure, everyone visits and engages with pages differently. What I am focusing on is the page 100% of users see when they visit, which is the page in my screenshot. The % of users the scroll down will diminish the longer the page is. Im’ really jus focusing on the interaction that we know 100% of users see on mobile (not logged in).
My assumption is all discourse communities - the primary goal is to grow the community which involves getting new users to signup.
Right now the page is focuses on existing users, which to me should be secondary in the page design - because we can expect registered users to understand how to navigate the site and probably have more tolerance for navigating around the site to login.
If I look at the current screenshot, the only thing I can see remotely like a sign-up is ‘login’ - which I wouldn’t click if I’m a new users…because I don’t have an account.
But let’s say I do click it, here is what I see:
…it says ‘welcome back’ - but I never was here, so how can I be welcomed back? That’s confusing! If I look really really hard I see some small text about signup at the bottom of the modal.
Again, all this is geared towards existing users…
I think if I were to recommend some changes, since I sound like I’m complaining
I would:
- make the ‘login’ button say ‘ask’ - which might apply to both new and existing users
- I would make the modal use a cookie or some session information to know if is should say ‘welcome back’ or ‘welcome to your new community’ and present the appropriate form
- I would get rid of the hamburger menu and make it a person icon (I think that’s more universal) and point that to the modal mentioned above
These are just some ideas, I’ll check around for more!
Also @Lilly I don’t think I said the vast majority of users will join without scrolling, but that’s not really the point. It is 100% sure that the vast majority of users do not scroll long pages, that’s for any webpage, all webpages, it’s a pretty well know, accepted metric. So why not make it easier for ALL users, not just long scrollers?