Signup Banner

:discourse2: Summary Signup Banner connects into the core signup CTA and will show a pop up banner (in addition to the normal CTA block at the end of a topic).
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The showing of this banner, as well as the built-in Signup CTA at the bottom of a topic requires criteria to be met.

The criteria are:

  • User is anonymous
  • User has read at least two topics
  • User has read for at least two minutes

Topic List Page

Topic Page


MAN YOU READ MY MIND!!! Getting ready for a public launch for a community Im working with and this is exactly what I needed!


Thanks for this!

We are using Memberful for signups - would it still work?

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The signup button transitions user’s to the Discourse sign-up route. It should be the same as if a user clicked on the normal sign up button at the top of a Discourse site.


Is there any way I can preview the component? Have installed and put it into effect, however, can’t see this banner show up on my incognito page.


Same issue, i can´t see it after “read” 2 minutes and be “anonymous” trough incognito browser.

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Hello, It connects to the core signup CTA banner and will show up at the same time than the core CTA appears at the bottom of the topic.

This is the core signup CTA :arrow_down_small:

For this you have to :arrow_down_small:

And I think it won’t show up if the enable signup cta site setting is disabled.
Screenshot 2022-08-19 at 10.47.23