Can email digest have links to updated topics (For smaller forums)

My forum being very small, this week I had only two new topics but decent updates to other 5-6 topics.
When the digest email went it had a mention of only two topics and no mention of the updates ones.

Is is possible to include the updated topics also in an email digest, if total topics (new) in an email are say less than 10?

One more related suggestion, “Top” page algorithm gives weight to views, updated /replies to find the hot topics for a week. Why can’t the same be used in Digest?


Great ideas! There should be highly customizable settings for what get’s included in the digest (per user!) and how it should be presented. All sorting/weighting algorithms should have all their settings exposed, and be easily replaced by an alternative algorithm. But you knew/did that already, right?

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We should definitely fold “top” logic into what gets included in the digest email.


Top logic is now used for the email digest.

The upper section of the digest is popular new posts which can be in old topics. But the digest won’t cover edits…