Is it possible to customize the “Welcome” message on the right of the dialog that you see when you create a new Topic so that the text changes based on what category (or possibly tag) someone selects with their post? For example: if someone selects “Mobile” as a category, could I customize the text on the right to remind the Community member to include what OS they’re using with their mobile device? Thanks!
You can Customize all text in Discourse.
No you can’t that way, because wellcome is same to everyone everywhere.
But could this help:
I’m not sure that Discourse Templates would help here as it requires a user to actively select a pre-existing template whereas I understand what is needed here is to provide immediate feedback to the user once a category is chosen for their new topic.
To conditionally replace the text that shows up on the right, I think it’d require implementing a theme-component or similar.
One option would be to use the built in “Topic Templates” feature for the category, to pre-fill the composer with some text to fill in or replace: What are Topic Templates?
Yes, I was looking to provide immediate feedback to the user once they select a category for their new topic. I’ll look into the Topic Templates and see what we can do with them. Thanks a lot!