Can’t find a post even ID is known

I was fixing deprecated Font Awesome icons, but one gave this:

I tried finding it using this:

FROM posts
WHERE id = 18289
AND deleted_at IS NOT NULL

But it couldn’t find anything.

Any guesses why? And should remap show topic_id too?

I can live even if I never find that one, but it annoys me because I don’t understand what happened. I’m quite sure I’ve never used icon task in a post, so my imagination says it could be some ancient kanban-post, but it should still be able to find it, right?


An answer for a similar output can be found here:

Posts are normally soft-deleted unless the hidden setting is enabled, so I’m not sure what actions can hard-delete a post so it is removed from the database. But the explanation makes sense anyway.

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I’ve done a hard delete manually every now and then, if I’m really bored.

Yeah, that sounds like a valid explanation.

I’m just wondering why those posts are left behind when the topic itself is vanished into the void.

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