Can users be denied old posts in a category?

In Whatsapp, when a new user joins a group they do not see any prior chat.
I am wondering if it is possible to do this in Discourse Posts.

Generally no, although topics can be unlisted so new members won’t be able to see those.

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Or old ones without direct link.

If a topic is unlisted can still be seen by anyone with a link, so if that is shared with new users they would still be able to read topic.

If topic is moved to a secured category that will limit who can access it, at one of the trust tiers or staff/mod level.

With individual posts those can be deleted but otherwise there isn’t a way to hide old posts from new users like with WhatsApp, but you could do a feature request for that.

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One of the advantages of Discourse is that it makes it possible for prior discussion to be available to be members of the community.

This is why to use discourse instead of email or whatsapp.