Can we highlight a topic in the using an indicator like New Posts or by changing the color of the whole row?

I searched this category and the plugin and feature categories, but did not see a topic that addressed my question. I ran searches for “indicator” and “new post”.

Is there a plugin that allows a topic to be distinguished in the list of latest topics if it was posted in a particular category being highlighted some way? The highlight could be an indicator like the “New” indicator. Or it could be a change of color for the whole row.

On my Discourse, I would like to distinguish topics made in one category (Classifieds) so that anytime someone posts a new topic there, they are highlighted in the Latest Topics list. Or the topic author could tick a checkbox so their topic could be highlighted in the list of latest topics.

I am new to Discourse, so maybe there is already a way to accomplish this. I would love to learn of a Discourse Way of accomplishing this.

You should be able to target the CSS class for the row, I believe it includes the category info. If you have anyone that is familiar with HTML and CSS they can make the change in Admin, Customize, CSS.


CSS would be similar to (for targetting the howto category)

table.topic-list tr.category-howto {
  background-color: ###;