Can you allow emoji in usernames

Hello there! My site has users who would like to use emoji in their usernames and I’m trying to find out if that’s possible for them. I was able to find the setting that lets you broaden the unicode options for usernames:

but as far as I can tell, it doesn’t seem to work with emoji. Here’s two cases, one where things work as I’d expect and one where they don’t:

Case 1 - Working as Expected :white_check_mark:

Unicode usernames are allowed, certain non-ASCII unicode characters are permitted:

Results in a username using those characters being accepted:


Case 2 - Not Working as Expected :x:

Unicode usernames are allowed, specific emoji characters are permitted:

But a username using the permitted character is not accepted:

I get the same result if I leave allowed unicode username characters blank, i.e. permitting everything with no regex whitelist for characters.

My Question:

Is it possible to allow emoji in usernames?

No, it’s not possible to allow Emojis within usernames. They aren’t considered a letter.


Alas. Well, thank you for the answer!

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